SCWSA Newsletter

Saluda County Water and Sewer Authority (SCWSA), is a Special Purpose District (SPD) that is charged with providing water and sewer service to the unincorporated areas of Saluda County.  SCWSA is a young SPD that runs its operations like any private business. We are accountable for providing an excellent product at a reasonable cost.  With that said, beginning in your April bill you will see a modest 4% increase.  Expenses for everything go up. SCWSA must be responsible. Modestly raising rates for inflation is financially wise ensuring SCWSA’s long-term sustainability.


  • Over the last 7 years, we raised water rates twice. That was only a 0.65% annual increase.
  • Over the last 7 years, we only raised sewer rates for direct outside treatment increases.
  • We continue to grow to support our existing customers.
  • We have an obligation to grow for those in need of service where financially feasible.
  • Our operational Regional Water Treatment Plant is the foundation for our future.
  • SCWSA has two major projects on the horizon: 1. Phase 2 Water Project & 2. WWTP Project.
  • Phase 2 Water Project will provide water to over 300 Saluda citizens.
  • Phase 2 Water Project will also add major system improvements to improve service to SCWSA’s customers and sell to other water systems, increasing revenues and lowering unit production cost.
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Project will be a county-wide system with Saluda CPW.
  • WWTP Project will increase capacity from 1.4 MGD to 4 MGD, allowing us to serve more residents, helping current industries to grow and attracting new commercial/industrial businesses.
  • WWTP Project will allow SCWSA to control future costs by treating our sewer.
  • Assuring the 2 Projects viability, SCWSA conducted an independent rate study, charts below.
  • Consultant advised SCWSA to raise its rates 4% for the next 3 years, then 1% a year thereafter.
  • In comparison, we are still $6.77 below our neighbors on a typical residential sewer bill.
  • In comparison, we are still $8.22 below our neighbors on a typical residential water bill.
  • The good news is the 2 Projects are financially sound and allow us to better serve you.


If you have any questions, please call me, Jason Fell, General Manager for SCWSA at 864-445-9572.

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