Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Standard Water Residential Service Rates

Effective 3/18/2024
Monthly Minimum: Based on Meter Size
Sewer Included w/ Minimum Bill:
4000 gallons
Tier (Meter Size): Cost for 1st 4000 gallons:
3/4" $32.53
1" 40.16
1 1/2" 71.14
2" 118.19
4" 458.99
6" 705.70
Cost per 1000 over 4000 gallons $4.41

Our community's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

Standard Sewer Service Rates

Effective 3/18/2024
Monthly Minimum: Based on Meter Size
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
2000 gallons
Tier (3/4" Meter Size): Cost:
0-2,000 $22.24
Cost per 1,000 gallons over 2,000 gallons $7.45

Fire Protection Charges

Effective 3/18/2024
Monthly Minimum: Based on Meter Size
Sewer Included w/ Minimum Bill:
0 Gallons
Tier (Fireline Size): Cost:
3/4" Fireline $34.43
1" Fireline $45.90
1 1/2" Fireline 57.37
2" Fireline 68.86
3" Fireline 82.63
4" Fireline 114.75
6" Fireline 172.12
10" Fireline 229.49

All Firelines will be assessed a $4.41 per 1000-gallon charge if used.

Water and Sewer Tap Costs

Effective 3/18/2024
3/4" Water Meter Tap Cost $2,720.00
1" Water Meter Tap Cost $3,320.00
1 1/2" Water Meter Tap Cost $3,790.00
2" Water Meter Tap Cost $4,140.00
Larger Water Meter Tap Cost Cost Plus 25%
Sewer Tap Cost Contact Office

A $40.00 Administrative Fee is assessed for each water and sewer tap fee.  For example for a 3/4" Water Meter Tap Fee would be $2,680 plus the $40 Administrative Fee, totaling $2,720.00

Note: Water Meter Tap cost for 3/4" and 1" Meter does not include anything beyond a residential dual check valve.  Check SCDHEC's Backflow Prevention Regulations if you are a commercial entitly or dealing with hazardous materials.

Industrial and Wholesale rates for water and/or sewer must be set forth by contract.

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