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Phase 2 Water Improvements Project Update

As General Manager, I have been receiving numerous inquiries regarding the status of the Phase 2 Water Improvements Project.  I appreciate everyone’s interest and continuing support of this worthy project that will bring water to over 300 new customers.  SCWSA has completed its survey and design of the entire project.  SCWSA received the required 300 sign-ups last October.  This was 9 months later than SCWSA had hoped.  Nevertheless, SCWSA is attempting to minimize that delay and get to construction as quickly as possible.

To answer everyone’s two major questions.  Question 1: “Are we still getting water?”  Yes.  Only 3 sign-ups received notice last Fall that SCWSA would not be able to provide them water.  Those 3 had their deposits returned with our apologies.  The good news is that’s only 1% of all that signed up.  Question 2: “When will construction begin?”  That’s a much harder question.  The plain answer is SCWSA now hopes to advertise and bid the project late this spring.  However, SCWSA has a few critical items that we do not have direct control over.  Those entail things such as review and approval from our funding agency USDA-Rural Development, or SC DHEC and DOT permitting.  Also, still outstanding is the acquisition of a private water system, 2 private land acquisitions, and some private easements.  SCWSA made major strides to get the engineering design completed while not having all the signups necessary last year.  It is in SCWSA’s best interest to get this project to construction as quickly as possible!  To help make SCWSA more efficient, I will commit to providing weekly updates on our website in lieu of responding to 300 inquiring minds over the phone or e-mail.   SCWSA appreciates your patience and we look forward to providing water to your community!


Jason R. Fell, P.E., MBA